Mobile Application Development

Mobile iOS & Android Applications

Mobile Applications are currently one of the fastest growing markets with total worldwide revenues forcast to be over $30 billion for 2014 and $63 billion for 2017.

I specialise in native iOS development using the latest development tools such as Xcode and I produce compact, well structured Objective-C code. Android applications are primarily created using Java.

Latest Mobile Project: Core Hand

Core Hand App IconCORE Hand for iOS is an innovative Hand Therapy Exercise App designed to enable your therapist to create a tailored hand therapy exercise program for you to optimise your rehabilitation. The App enables you to have your exercise program on the go. It will remind you of your exercises and provides not only the description but also a short video demonstrating the exercise. Your therapist is able to personalise the program to you, making the App a useful tool for you to maximise your rehabilitation potential.

The App has been devised by the Hand Therapist to provide Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy advice and exercise guidance. It includes splint application and specific exercise program provision. We have worked hard to maximise the ease of use and functionality of the App to make it easy for the Hand Therapist and the Patient.

From a technical viewpoint the application was created using the Xcode development environment using Cocoa Touch and Objective-C.

Read more about Core Hand

Contact me now to discuss your mobile app project

Whether you want a mobile app for your business, a utility, entertainment or a game I can create the right application for you. I develop Apps for both the major mobile platforms including iOS and Android.

As you can imagine prices for mobile apps vary greatly depending on your specific requirements; typically though, a very basic app may cost around £1,000 whereas a complex, data-driven app created for both iOS & Android may cost around £20,000.

If you´re looking for a mobile app developer for your latest project give me a call on 07855 483034 or contact me.